Monday, April 23, 2012

Thanks for all the advice.

Just like to say thank you to all those who have replied to my recent posts for my upcoming trip. Its my first trip to New York and i%26#39;m soooo excited, taken me 15 years to get here. I%26#39;ve booked everything online and that has also been a first for me. Thanks to all your advice i%26#39;ve booked a helicopter flight round Manhatten, a cruise up the Hudson river at dusk, and prepaid for tickets to the ESB and TOTR(one for day view, one for night view).

I stumbled across this site by accident and i%26#39;m on here everyday now, you have all given such good advice from how to use the subway to common sense like sightseeing by neighbourhood. Without this place i%26#39;m sure i would have arrived and been running around like a headless chicken trying to fit it all in, thanks to you all i now have a plan and i feel so much more relaxed.

i have 3 weeks to go and i%26#39;m counting the minutes away. So once again thanks, you have all helped so much and i%26#39;ll probably be back picking your brains again before i go.

Special thanks to the local experts, your knowledge is amazing.

Thanks for all the advice.

Sounds like you%26#39;ve got things well in hand. Enjoy your trip! And I look forward to reading you report after you get back home!

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