Friday, March 30, 2012

the latest plane crash

I am so sorry for the people died one question is nagging me how did another aircraft get so near the buildings again and where were the sramblers they promised if an aircraft gets into these arears

the latest plane crash

This was a little one-engine private plane, not a commercial aircraft. The East River up to the northern tip of Roosevelt Island is apparently a corridor that small aircraft such as this are permitted to use. I really am not alarmed by this -- if one is thinking this is an opportunity for terrorists filling such things with explosives, one must keep in mind how small such planes really are. You could put more dangerous material in your typical mini-van parked at the curb. As the Mayor noted today, when you have two people killed in a car accident, no one would say ';we must shut down all access to the roads';. While tragic, this is also just an accident, and not on that large a scale.

the latest plane crash

THe private planes were allowed to fly that route, but at one point going up the east river I think they are required to contact LaGuardia Tower so they would have had to turn back at some point.

I must admit when I first heard that a plane had crashed into an apt building, it sent a small shiver down my spine, but it was quite evident right away that it was just a terrible accident.

I personally fee that planes should not be allowed to fly so low over New York (they even showed a film clip of a plane going UNDER the Verazanno Bridge.

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