Friday, March 30, 2012

For the attention of Ange!

I thought it was mean of me to completely hi-jack someones post. So here are my 1:00am ramblings :)

OK, this is the short n short of it.

I decided to plan it ourselves, as we had looked at Wedding planners and they seemed extortionate for what they were offering.

The wedding party was only small, in total just 5 of us.

My hubby and I flew out 3 days before our wedding day so we could sort out all the paper side of it and meet up with our reverand, Elizabeth Levy. Who we sourced via TripAdvisor, I think Mike Law recommended her. She was fantastic, I think she thought we were all crazy but hey, I probably was acting crazy, I was about to get married.

The day itself was amazing, we all went for brunch at Balthazar in the morning. I am in love with their bowls of Hot Chocolate, the best way to start your day, sat at the bar watching the world go by.

My Chief and only Bridesmaid, had organised cards and a wedding book from all our friends and family at home, which immediately started the waterworks.

I have to point out that when we arrived in NYC it was pretty cold, by Saturday I had visions of snow. Which would have been lovely, visually, but my dress was not going to keep me warm and the thought of freezing in Central Park - Brrrrrrrrrr!!

After brunch the boys went off to get ready at the Bestman%26#39;s hotel - Thirty Thirty. And us, the girls went back to my hotel - The Library to get ready.

So after much laughter and tears we met Rev Earl (my pet name for her. I thought her e-mail address was EARL@ blah, blah, blah. Oh how wrong was I it was EAL@etc. Only I had told my bridesmaid that we called her Earl; and of course she called Elizabeth Earl - lol!) in reception and we hailed a cab to Central Park.

We got out at 72nd St and walked to Wagner Cove, passing the John Lennon tribute on the way. We had a little photo shoot on the way and sang Imagine.

So we get to Wagner cove 5 minutes early.

And you have to picture this. The wednesday we arrived we found out that there was a huge Halloween thing going on in the park, which was cool, I love Halloween and was very excited. Little did I know that there would be a Haunted House right next to where we were going to get married. Oh the comedy value:)

It was fine, freezing, lots of kids in outifts, all good.

So we are sat waiting for my husband, the best man and another of our friends to arrive. And we%26#39;re waiting and we%26#39;re waiting. Earl starts asking if us my husband is a late person, he is, but I am trying not to worry myself or her. Even though it is now 2:10 and we had planned to marry at 2:00. I am worrying, Earl looks like she is getting ready to go and starts telling us why she would rather do wedding%26#39;s inside.

I am franctically trying to get hold of anyone on my mobile. No-one is answering the phone and no-one is texting back. At this point I think they have either been mugged, they are not coming or someone is dead. I know sooooo dramatical, but I kept thinking we have come all this way and I%26#39;m going to go back unmarried!!

So I stand up to get some feeling back in my legs to discover I have cramp in both calfs. Earl is packing her bag. I am getting shouted at by passers by - all nice things I hasten to add. And as I look up and over the water I see 3 figures, all in height order running up the hill. I could have died, I have never laughed so much. Bless them!!!

It turned out that they had been stuck on the metro. The map my hubby had picked up from our hotel, didn%26#39;t show one of the metro lines. So in their infinite wisdom they hopped on and ended up in Brooklyn, only realising half way there that they couldn%26#39;t get off. They had some help from a guy the other end who got them back across the water :) and then they had to hail a cab. With my husband shouting ';Central Park, step on it';

So, so funny and definently a day I will never forget. The ceremony was beautiful if not very cold. And I have never received so many compliments from so many people.

After the ceremony we walked through Central Park and walked down Madison, back to our hotel for some much needed booze:)

And that was my wedding day, done in my fastest typing, so I apologise for any typo%26#39;s:)

And with that Ange I%26#39;m off to bed, nighty night :)

For the attention of Ange!

What a great story! Any pics?

For the attention of Ange!

lol what a fantastic hilarious story. Do you have any photos?

I love your post! Your story telling made it come to life for me. I have visions of a groom and his groomsmen on the wrong subway heading to Brooklyn knowing they are going to be late for the groom%26#39;s wedding, of all things! It is just a great story. Thanks for sharing. Like NYWhiz, I would love to see pictures. Moms

Congratulations! Great post.

Hooray! Glad everything worked out well. You%26#39;ll never forget it!

';The map my hubby had picked up from our hotel, didn%26#39;t show one of the metro lines.'; - what a stupid map!! As we say here, unbe-freakin-lievable!

Coming back for your anniversary? ;o)

Your husband sounds like me...won%26#39;t spring for a cab!


I will definently post some pics up for you all to see :)

And Q.B we are definently coming back, we are over for pretty much the same dates, 28th October - 2nd November. It works very well with our children%26#39;s half term holiday and the grandparents being able to look after them.

I am trying to convince my husband that we should bring our children over for Christmas 2007. Our son would be 7 and our daughter 4 and I know they would just love it. I have been looking at flight prices and have started looking at hotel options. I%26#39;m thinking an apartment would definently be better though. I%26#39;m saying all of this without the big husbandy nod, lol! Well at least I%26#39;m giving myself a head start to win him around.

This forum is the only thing keeping me sane, I get my New York fix by looking at everyone%26#39;s pics. As i said to Ange, I think I am more excited this time round. We ended up spending over two days of our trip getting everything sorted out for the wedding, so it will be nice to have more free time.

My husband is a graphic designer. He has been doing some illustration work for the owner of I love Peanut Butter in Greenwich Village (I think?). We have been invited to do lunch with him, so we are both looking forward to that and I do so love Peanut Butter:)

So here%26#39;s to the next 15 days, hopefully they will go rather quickly!!

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